Wednesday, October 12, 2022



(Nepotpisan autorski tekst, prenos sa Facebook portala)

Pozdrav, bila sam veliki i još uvijek jesam Tošin fan. Nakon što sam saznala za njegovu smrt, iskreno, na prvi pogled pored nevjerice,bilo je teško prihvatiti njegovu smrt, a kamoli sve informacije koje su dolazile s čitavog Balkana. Naime, nakon nekog vremena počela sam pratiti sve članke vezane za Tošu i moram priznati da mi je dosta stvari bilo nelogično, nedovoljno dobro objašnjeno i razjašnjeno za smrt tako velikog čovjeka. Smatrala sam da je to zbog novinarsko-televizijske politike, koja želi čim prije prenesti priču javnosti bez obzira na njenu istinitost.
(1.) Prva tvrdnja, koju sam ja uočila, bila je vozilo neoštećenog kamiona naspram uništenog VW Tourage-a. VW Tourage ne pripada u liniju automobila 'limuzina', već u 'džipove terence', što znači da se po svojoj visini nije nikako mogao zabiti ispod kamiona, te ga kamion nije mogao vući, kako je tvrdio vozač Georgij Georgijevski. Da se dogodilo po njegovim tvrdnjama, vozilo ne bi bilo uništeno samo sa suvozačeve strane, no opet i kontradiktorno da je i bilo prema njegovim tvrdnjama, onda bi vozilo kamiona moralo biti bar 'malo' uništeno sa zadnje strane npr. registracija koja bi onda otpala, udubljenje, ogrebotine ili bar ostatak srebrne boje WV.
(2.) Druga tvrdnja, da se kamion pojavio samo na jednoj fotografiji koja je izašla u javnost, a na toj istoj fotografiji je snimljen automobil kako prolazi pored kamiona. Možda bi većina pomislila, kakve veze sad ima drugi automobil kad je u prvom planu kamion koji je kriv za Tošinu smrt, te se na taj način odvratila pozornost na automobil u prolazu. Naime, ne bi ništa bilo čudno da je taj isti kamion stajao na traci za zaustavljanje i kada je bila policija i tzv. ''očevid'', te je zabilježeno sve fotografijama, no kamion se očito pojavio samo na početku dok su vozila još prolazila, što je isto kontradiktorno našim odredbama Zakona o sigurnosti prometa na cestama, u republici Hrvatskoj.
(3.) Treća tvrdnja, gdje su svjedoci?! Prometna nesreća nije se dogodila na cesti koja je slabo prometna, već pobogu na autocesti i to jednoj od najprometnijih relacija u Hrvatskoj. Zanimljivo je da nema niti jedne osobe kao dodatnog svjedoka pored samog vozača kamiona, a preostala dva živa svjedoka koja su sudjelovali u prometnoj nesreći, i čak se nalazili unutar uništenog VW Tuarega, ne sjećaju se ničega. Prema našem zakonodavstvu, svatko je dužan stati na mjesto prometne nesreće i pomoći unesrećenima. Zar je uopće važno kako zakon nalaže, kad treba postojati načelo humanosti u svakom čovjeku, osim toga ako u tom trenu nije bilo ni humanosti, bio je Tošin terenac na kojem je i vidljivo pisalo Toše, pa ako ne iz humanosti, postojala bi barem jedna osoba koja bi iz znatiželje stala i saznala što se dogodilo s Tošinim automobilom. Time se nadovezujem na (4.) Četvrtu tvrdnju, tko je pozvao policiju, jer oba vozača nisu hrvatski državljani?! Znači i ako je netko kontaktirao da se dogodila prometna nesreća, prilikom očevida policija je morala pronaći tu osobu kao svjedoka.
(5.) Peta tvrdnja, budući da živim u prvom susjednom gradu (Novska) od Nove Gradiške, znam da njihova bolnica nema odjel za patologiju, a samim time se pitam kako je onda obdukcija pravovaljano odrađena i je li uopće odrađena jer je Tošino tijelo tog istog dana u večernjim satima preveženo u Makedoniju, a prema našem zakonu, budući da se dogodila prometna nesreća sa smrtnim posljedicama, tijelo mora biti zadržano tjedan dana i obdukciju moraju raditi specijalisti patolozi. ''Kad se smrt dogodi u prometnoj nesreći, izlazi Hitna pomoć, konstatira smrt, a policija izdaje popratnicu te se tijelo prevozi na sudsku medicinu i kriminalistiku radi obdukcije. Obitelj ili blizak clan obitelji isti ili sljedećih nekoliko dana preuzima pokojnika, ali kako je riječ o prometnoj nezgodi sa smrtnom posljedicom mora se obaviti obdukcija, što preuzimanje odgađa za barem nekoliko dana dok se obavi cijela procedura. To u Hrvatskoj cesto traje i tjedan dana''.
(6.) Šesta tvrdnja, sve se prebrzo odvijalo, da se nije uopće stiglo zapitati što se usitinu dogodilo. Kada sam i pokušavala preko Interneta saznati neke nove vijesti, istragu, suđenja, bilo što, stajali su samo stari postovi iz vremena Tošine smrti. Prva pomisao mi je bila, žalosno što su ljudi sve to tako brzo zaboravili i ne pitaju se što je istina na kraju. Prihvatili su da Toše više nema, ali nitko nije ispričao istinitu priču, temeljenu na čvrstim dokazima, što se uistinu dogodilo, već se pojavio Tošin CD na engleskom jeziku, čime je opet odvraćena pozornost od saznavanja istine. I još k tome, da o takvoj velikoj zvijezdi koja je pokušala ujediniti Balkan, mediji ne pišu i nakon smrti. Kontradiktornost izjava:
1. Vozač zaspao vs. 20 minuta prije stao je na odmorište
2. Brzina 171 Km/h (Hrvatsko vještačenje) vs.141 Km/h (Makedonija)
3. Toše vezan sigurnosnim pojasom (Hrv. vješt.) vs. Toše nije bio vezan jer je ležao na spuštenom sjedištu.
4. Toše umro istog trena prilikom udarca vs. Toše preminuo zbog zadobivenih teških tjelesnih ozljeda, sat vremena kasnije.
5. Vještačenje u Hrv. navelo oštećenje kočnica vs. Makedonija nalaže isporuku vozila zbog detaljnog vještačenja, ALI umjesto konkretnih odgovora ostalo je samo pobijanje hrvatske strane. Previše je tu kontradiktornosti i misterije. Skoro sam se zaželjela pogledati njegov koncert u Beogradu i dok sam ga gledala opet, zapitala sam se da li su došli do nekakvih novih saznanja...
Duboko u sebi znam da Toše nije kriv i da je bio ''zlatna ribica koja je zalutala u hladni ocean jer su joj obećali slobodu bez granica'' (metaforički rečeno).
Lijep pozdrav.
Slažem se SASVIM! Slično je već iznošeno i na Y Tube kanalima! Ovde dodajem i činjenicu DA JE ISTI TAJ HELIKOPTER ARMIJE MAKEDONIJE i ISTA POSADA bio srušen kasnije u makedonskim planinama, "tehnički kvar?", i sva posada je izginula! Sve je ovo slučajno, neka mi neko kaže ?

► ISTI DAN -- i pogibija, i istraga, i prevoz u MAK helikopterom Vojske Makedonije, i ispraćaj, i sahrana? To NIJE slučajnost, i NIJE po crkvenim običajima bilo koje Crkve, sem jedne nehrišćanske!
► Menadžerka 
Ljiljana Petrović, koja je bila u vozilu i ostala nepovređena, ZNA nešto o ovome, ali njoj je bitan mir među lavandama na plantaži u Istočnoj Srbiji! Velika lova da ćuti, ili koji drugi razlog? Siguran sam DA MNOGI ZNAJU PUNU ISTINU, ali ne talasaju, zbog...
Georgij Georgijevski, vozač džipa u kojem je poginuo Toše Proeski, osuđen je u Osnovnom sudu u Skoplju u oktobru 2009. na dve godine zatvora zbog nesreće u kojoj je u 16. oktobra 2007. stradao popularni makedonski pevač. Proces protiv Georgievskog trajao je skoro godinu dana. Na suđenje NIJE doveden vozač kamiona Slaviša Kuzmanović, u čiju je prikolicu udario džip „VW Tuareg”, koji je vozio optuženi. 
► NA KRAJU, plašim se ipak da zbog svih iznetih ISTINITIH I LOGIČKIH sumnji vi kao autorka ovog teksta ne budete optuženi, kao što su bili i neki novinari koji su sličnu tezu JAVNO iznosili, pa su bili hapšeni zbog širenja lažnih vesti (!), čak i u Srbiji! Iako su posle dokazali nevinost, ostao je gorak ukus da istina kao da nikog ne zanima!
► I, onda, gde je prava istina?


►►► on*line translated ► ► ►
**** (Unsigned female author's text, transfer from the Facebook portal)
► Hello, I was and still am a big fan of Toše. After I found out about his death, honestly, at first glance, in addition to disbelief, it was difficult to accept his death, let alone all the information that came from the entire Balkans. Namely, after some time I started following all the articles related to Toše and I have to admit that I found a lot of things illogical, insufficiently explained and clarified for the death of such a great man. I thought it was due to journalistic and television policy, which wants to convey the story to the public as soon as possible, regardless of its veracity.

(1.) The first claim, which I observed, was the vehicle of an undamaged truck versus a destroyed VW Touareg. The VW Touareg does not belong to the 'limousine' line of cars, but to the 'off-road SUV', which means that due to its height, it could not have stuck under the truck, and the truck could not have towed it, as claimed by the driver Georgij Georgijevski. If it had happened according to his claims, the vehicle would not have been destroyed only on the passenger's side, but again and contradictory if it had been according to his claims, then the truck vehicle would have had to be at least 'slightly' destroyed from the rear, e.g. registration that would then fall off, a dent, scratches or at least a remnant of the WV silver paint.

(2.) The second claim, that the truck appeared in only one photo that was released to the public, and that same photo showed a car passing the truck. Perhaps the majority would think, what does the other car have to do with the truck in the foreground that is responsible for Toše's death, and in that way the attention was diverted to the passing car. Namely, it would not be strange if that same truck was standing on the stop lane when the police and the so-called "eyewitness", and everything was recorded with photographs, but the truck apparently only appeared at the beginning while the vehicles were still passing, which is also contradictory to our provisions of the Law on Road Traffic Safety, in the Republic of Croatia.

(3.) The third claim, where are the witnesses?! The traffic accident did not happen on a road with little traffic, but on the highway, one of the busiest routes in Croatia. It is interesting that there is not a single person as an additional witness besides the truck driver himself, and the remaining two living witnesses who participated in the traffic accident, and were even inside the destroyed VW Touareg, do not remember anything. According to our legislation, everyone is obliged to stop at the scene of a traffic accident and help the victims. Does it even matter what the law dictates, when there should be a principle of humanity in every human being, besides, if there was no humanity at that moment, there was Toše's SUV with the words Toše visible on it, so if not out of humanity, there would be at least one a person who would stop out of curiosity and find out what happened to Toše's car. 

This leads me to (4.) 
The fourth claim, who called the police, because both drivers are not Croatian citizens?! So even if someone contacted that a traffic accident had occurred, the police had to find that person as a witness during the investigation.

(5.) The fifth claim, since I live in the first neighboring town (Novska) from Nova Gradiška, I know that their hospital does not have a pathology department, and therefore I wonder how the autopsy was validly performed and whether it was performed at all because Toša's body was that on the same day in the evening, transported to Macedonia, and according to our law, since there was a traffic accident with fatal consequences, the body must be kept for a week and the autopsy must be performed by specialist pathologists. "When a death occurs in a traffic accident, the ambulance comes out, declares the death, and the police issue a report, and the body is transported to forensic medicine and forensics for an autopsy. The family or a close family member picks up the deceased in the next few days, but since it was a traffic accident with fatal consequences, an autopsy must be performed, which delays the pick-up for at least a few days while the entire procedure is carried out. In Croatia, this often lasts for a week''.

(6.) Sixth claim, everything happened too fast, that there was no time to ask what really happened. When I tried to find out some new news via the Internet, investigation, trials, anything, there were only old posts from the time of Toše's death. My first thought was, it's sad that people forget all that so quickly and don't ask themselves what the truth is in the end. They accepted that Toše is no more, but no one told the true story, based on solid evidence, what really happened, but Toše's CD appeared in English, which again diverted attention from finding out the truth. And what's more, the media don't write about such a big star who tried to unite the Balkans even after his death. 

Contradiction of statements:
1. The driver fell asleep vs. 20 minutes before he stopped at the rest area
2. Speed 171 Km/h (Croatian expertise) vs. 141 Km/h (Macedonia)
3. Toše tied with a seat belt (Croatian expert opinion) vs. Toše was not tied because he was lying on the lowered seat.
4. Toše died instantly during the impact vs. Toše died an hour later due to severe injuries.
5. Expertise in Croatian. stated brake damage vs. Macedonia ordered the delivery of the vehicle due to a detailed expert examination, BUT instead of concrete answers, all that remained was a rebuttal from the Croatian side. 

There is too much contradiction and mystery. I almost wanted to see his concert in Belgrade and while I was watching it again, I wondered if they had come to some new knowledge...

Deep down I know that Toše is not guilty and that he was "a goldfish that got lost in the cold ocean because they promised her freedom without borders" (metaphorically speaking).


1 comment:

Slobodan Darko said...

► I TOTALLY agree! The same has already been reported on Y Tube channels! Here I add the fact THAT THE SAME HELICOPTER OF THE MACEDONIAN ARMY and the SAME CREW crashed later in the Macedonian mountains, "technical failure?", and all the crew perished! This is all a coincidence, someone tell me?
► THE SAME DAY -- the death, and the investigation, and the transportation to MAK by the helicopter of the Macedonian Army, and the send-off, and the funeral? It is NOT a coincidence, and it is NOT according to the church customs of any Church, except for a non-Christian one!
► The manager Ljiljana Petrović, who was in the vehicle and remained unharmed, KNOWS something about this, but peace among the lavender on the plantation in Eastern Serbia is important to her! Big hunt to keep quiet, or some other reason? I'm sure MANY KNOW THE FULL TRUTH, but they don't make waves, because...
► Georgij Georgijevski, the driver of the jeep in which Toše Proeski was killed, was sentenced in the Basic Court in Skopje in October 2009 to two years in prison for the accident in which the popular Macedonian singer died on October 16, 2007. The trial against Georgievski lasted almost a year. The driver of the truck, Slaviša Kuzmanović, whose trailer was hit by the Jeep "VW Touareg" driven by the accused, was NOT brought to the trial.
► FINALLY, I am still afraid that because of all the TRUE AND LOGICAL suspicions presented, you as the author of this text will not be accused, as were some journalists who presented a similar thesis PUBLICLY, and were arrested for spreading false news (!), even in Serbia! Although they later proved their innocence, the bitter taste remained that no one seemed to care about the truth!
► And, then, where is the real truth?